Sunday, March 16, 2014

Twitter Saves My Night

Last Monday, March 10, we had a very scary moment in the NHL. Rich Peverly, who has a known heart condition, collapsed on the bench during his game against the Columbus Blue Jackets.
Here is the video, but you can't see much:

Fans and teams across the league expressed their concern for Peverly with tweets and posts right after it happened. For a few minutes fans sat in front of theirs television sets wondering what happened and how Peverly was. I refreshed my twitter feed every few seconds waiting for news to come out and thanks to Twitter I didn't have to wait long.
These tweets from the Dallas Stars started rolling out within minutes:

Thank you Twitter for keeping me updated. And I wish Pevs the best of luck during his recovery this season!


  1. I think this is a great example of effective communication on social media during a crisis situation. The Dallas Stars kept their stakeholders informed in a timely manner and maintained respect for Rich Peverley. Glad he is recovering!

  2. Great display of how effective social media can be. This builds a great relationship between the team and fans. It also gives fans a greater appreciation for the sport and the people around it. Awesome..
