Monday, April 7, 2014

The Most Famous Fútbol in the World

Meet Brazuca: An Adidas soccer ball with six cameras that is starting it's journey in Brazil and traveling the world in anticipation of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The ball that took 2.5 years to develop will be the official game ball for this year's tournament.

Want to see where Brazuca is on a daily basis? No problem, because the soccer ball has it's own Twitter account, with 120,000 loyal followers already (myself included). And when you follow it, you may even get a laugh from the tweets it produces.

Brazuca also just made it's first stop on the world tour... in Spain! It practiced with the Spanish National Team in preparation for the big games this summer as well as a School of Fútbol where children learn to play the game.
Photo courtesy of Around The World: Spain

It's next stop is Germany, so follow Brazuca on Twitter to see the adventures from all over the globe!
Photo courtesy of @brazuca


  1. I follow pretty much anything relating to the world cup, and I am glad to say I'm part of the 120,000 Brazuca followers. Brazuca has probably been the greatest idea for generating buzz for the games this year, and with all the issues with stadium construction Brazil and FIFA are going to need all the positive publicity that they can get.

  2. This is an amazing idea. I am not big on soccer, certainly my least kept up with sport, but this is phenomenal! Definitely great for fans, and the sport.

  3. This is so cool! The video is crazy though. I'm not sure I could watch that spinny ball footage for long! Wooph! Yeah, just watched it agin on full screen. Its a trip!
